Written by: Angela Hui


What is it, and why is it important? Viewability is simply a digital advertising metric that reports on impressions that are seen by humans. An impression is considered viewable when it has appeared on …
April 29, 2024


What’s the big difference??? A lot of people confuse SEO and SEM, they both sound like the same thing but they are two very different approaches to becoming visible on search engine results pages. …
November 1, 2023

Being Asian in Advertising

I am a first generation Asian American in the United States. Born and bred in New York City. My parents are immigrants from China. Like the typical Asian parent, they wanted me to get …
May 23, 2023

Small Budget, Impressive Results

Tourism often brings in millions of dollars in revenue for some countries, but many of them don’t have advertising dollars to support that. As an advertiser, it feels like an overwhelming task to secure …
November 17, 2022

Digital Travel in the Online Space

Travelers of today no longer rely on travel agents or magazines to decide where to go on their next getaway. Travelers are tapping into digital and social media to give them unique perspective and inspiration …
August 27, 2021

Influencer Marketing for Financial Services

If you’ve been on social media at all, at one point or another we’ve all been persuaded into making a purchase or watch a movie that our favorite Influencer talked about (whether you want …
May 26, 2021

2021 Media Trends

I think it is an understatement to say that 2020 was a challenging year for everyone. The digital landscape had to evolve to accommodate the way users consumed media and how much of it. …
January 15, 2021

Cookie Busting

No cookie for you! Early this year, Google released a statement to phase out the support of third-party cookies in Chrome within two years. It means all major browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari …
October 9, 2020

5 Key Elements for an Effective RFP

An RFP (Request for Proposal) is an important document that allows buyers and planners to identify the right media partners to promote your brands messaging. This process is very much like a dating profile. …
July 14, 2020

How Are Advertisers Spending During A Pandemic?

As I’m sure you already know, the world is in the midst of a pandemic. The uncertainty is overwhelming and with news changing daily, nobody knows what tomorrow will bring. Not only is most …
April 24, 2020

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