Over the years, we’ve responded to many RFPs and dreamed up creative work to fit so many different styles, budgets, and desires. A project with a new client always poses a challenge in that you’re developing creative for a brand that you haven’t yet formed a relationship with, but at the same time, it can also allow you to loosen up creatively and approach a project with fresh eyes and a blank slate.
We’ve had so much fun working creative concepts over the years and it can be disappointing when we don’t get to share that work with the world. So, this Halloween season we felt it was fitting to bring some of our favorite creative back from the dead!
YoFi Fest
YoFiFest, the Yonkers Film Festival, decided to take the time in 2020 to work on a brand refresh. This was such a fun project to work on and although we love where we ended up with it (check out the work page here!), we had a plethora of exciting ideas before we landed on the final execution. Below are just 3 of our favorite concepts that didn’t make the cut.
Concept 1
Concept 2
Concept 3
U.S. Virgin Islands
In response to an RFP from the U.S. Virgin Islands we developed creative that would communicate to travelers that the islands were ready for visitors again. We love how these colorful images and campaign mark captured the vibrancy and serenity of the islands.